My photo
Chevy Chase, Maryland, United States
I left my family, my friends, my comfort zone and moved across the country. I'm learning to love and rely on God in a whole new way.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring in DC

In the movie "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"  the song sings, "and then one day it's spring".  Growing up in the Pacific Northwest I thought I knew what that meant, but I was wrong.  Here it did seem to happen overnight.  One day I'm running in the midst of naked trees and dull brown ground, and then next everything is sprouting leaves and the ground and trees are covered in lush green growth.  I'm in awe of Spring here in the District.  I am amazed at the differences and the beautiful spring weather.  Yes, it's probably the nicest weather I'll have all year, but I'm not complaining, nor am I dreading the incredibly hot summer....I'm just soaking up the wonderful warm weather as it is now.  Sunny and warm at day, raining and thunder storms most nights.  Beautiful. 
Life here is routine now, and I forget to enjoy all the subtle differences as I was when I first moved.  They don't impress me the same, even though I still notice them.  For example:  The lady in starbucks cant understand me when I say Caramel.  I say it in two syllables, not three.  I don't say Car-a-mel.  I say Car-mel.  Wrong, or right everyone here says car-a-mel.  It cracks me up. 
Anyway, my job is great, and moving here was the best decision I've ever made.  It was even more confirmed when my family visited in March and had the opportunity to see my life here.  My work family, my church family, and my friends.  What a wonderful time I had. 
Life, with its busy mundane tasks and its unexpected twists, is so great.  God gave me such a good and specific task, and carrying that out is oftentimes harder than expected, but worth it.  Glorify Him in everything.  Every struggle with my girls, every morning, noon, and night, every hug, every word out of my mouth need to reflect Him and His grace and mercy.  How do I show that my life has been changed by Jesus' work on the cross?  Love.  So, my job is simply to love.
Happy Easter.  I love celebrating that God sent His son to die, and that He died a death he didn't deserve, taking the punishment for my sin, but that he didn't stay dead.  He rose again.  He lives.  And because He lives I can have life through His work on the cross. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I'm sure everyone can agree with me when I ask, Where did January go?  it's already the 9th of February.  I can't believe it.  
Nothing much new or exciting here.  I had a fantastic return and enjoyed my first hockey game ever with my friend Sandra.  I was given tickets by a total stranger sitting in the doctors office.  They were supposed to be for his client that never showed.  At first I saiid no thank you, but as I thought about it, I realized it was a good opportunity.  We had a blast.  Hockey is fun to watch.  It's like basketball or soccer, except that they beat each other up. 
My dearest cousin Hilary had her baby girl on the 21st of January.  Annie Christine Marston.  I'm so happy for both Tim and Hilary.  I can hardly believe she is here. 
My life has hit a new normal.  I've got a set routine, and am making lots of friends.  I'm so happy that I made the move, and also that I was sent so many people to love me and take care of me here in DC.  God is really good, and I'm so glad that He lead me here. 
Hopefully I'll be able to write more soon.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Addicted to Coffee and Miss my Running

I'm  on a flight right now from DC to LAX.  Now, I know LA isn't usually considered "on the way" home, but I decided it was my safest bet.  So, here I am half way to LA, I just paid an outrageous amount to use this internet so I wouldn't be bored, and I'm writing this blog.  I had such an awesome week with Alicia who didn't have school even though Gigi did.  We went to the National Aquarium, we shopped, and we stayed busy, in fact, that she fell asleep every single day in the car.  I really had fun, and am so glad that I was able to spend that time alone with Alicia.  She needed some fun. 
To explain my title.  I have a crazy bad headache right now because I was so busy packing that I didn't take my coffee with me this morning.  There is nothing like forgetting your caffeine to remind you how desperately you NEED your caffeine.  This is the first time in my life that I can honestly state that I am addicted to my coffee.  I might try to change that...but right now I don't care to put forth any effort.  Maybe that will be my new year's resolution.  The other part of the title is that I haven't been able to go running since Sunday because I haven't had any time off during the day since Alicia hasn't had school.  It's been nearly 5 days now that I haven't gone for a long distance run, and it is the longest amount of days since I started this run/walk/workout  program.  I not only miss my coffee, but I also miss the endorphine kick from the running. :(

I can't believe how quickly the holidays have arrived.  I'm totally not in Christmas mode.  I'm sure the next 48 concentrated hours will have to suffice, but it just doesnt seem real.  Even when I was packing last night, or when I was at the airport I kept thinking, "wow, it's already the 23rd"  I was sure someone was going to hand me back my ticket and tell me that my flight wasn't for another week.  It can't possibly be Christmas already.  I'm happy for it, and I opened some presents last night from my work family which helped remind me that we're almost there.  Christmas day!!! 
I love Christmas.  Tim always wakes up super early, there's breakfast cereal and cinnamon rolls, presents, family, a fire blazing.  This year being together will mean more than ever.  I haven't seen anyone, except for Molly, since August.  August!  I've never been away from home for this long.  Europe was only 2 months, and during college I was rarely away for more than a few weeks.  It's been 4 months since I've seen all of them, and I miss them.  I know that I need to be prepared though.  It'll most likely be 6 or so months before I make a return trip, barring any unfortunate circumstances.  So, Christmas is going to have a much bigger impression as I look forward to more aspects than I ever have before. 
Merry Christmas to everyone as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, and enjoy some time with our family and friends.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Season of Joy

December is usually my favorite time of the year.  I've always been excited for Christmas and love spending time with all my family.  Maybe it's because I'm an extrovert and love parties and seeing people.  This December has been so different, but good in its own way.  I have a hard time believing that this is the Sunday before Christmas, or that I'll be spending all of Thursday in airplanes and airports with millions of other people fighting to get home.  I've been praying for the weather, and that I'll be home safely, as well as praying that God will help this trip refresh and encourage me.  If I'm being perfectly honest I would have to admit that I'm afraid to come home in some ways.  Afraid that I'll be reminded how much I love it, making coming back to my new "home" a new level of difficult.  There is peace, however, in knowing that I am where God wants me, so I'm approaching this vacation with that attitude.  I've been blessed in so many ways by my church family here who listen to my woes and pray with me and for me.  I do love them.  
I am looking forward to my week at home. 
 In so many ways it still hasn't hit me that I live so far from everything I know and love.  I'm learning to know and love DC, and Maryland, but it is still not the same as being home.  I can't wait to eat at Majors, talk with my dad, shoot a gun, hang out with my brothers, see how tall Kurt has gotten, hold my growing nephew, gaze at the barren hills, look at the mountain in awe, and thank my Savior for all He has given me.  A season of Joy is what I titled this blog, and as I remember why we celebrate I remember that more than ever this has been a season of joy for me.  Jesus came.  He came for me.  He took my sin and removed it.  There is joy in understanding who Jesus is on an even deeper level, and also joy in truly taking advantage of my time with my family.  This is a joyous season.
 I've been slack in updating this blog.  I've had a very busy few weeks since I last wrote on here, and so I'm going to post a few pictures.  I've was blessed to go see Hilary and Tim in Florida.  It was an awesome weekend, and not one I'll soon forget.  I also spent quite a bit of time with my dear friend Sandra.  She is easily my closest friend here in DC.  She lives in Alexandria but I met her through our mutual friend Emily Hoover.  Emily has been a friend of mine since I was very little and we became even better friends in college.  She met Sandra in Michigan during an internship at the University.  Sandra moved here at the same time as me, and we've been going through similar phases as we adjust to living somewhere so foreign to where we grew up.  She and I do our best to go on adventures and explore our new surroundings.  I love her a lot.  So, here are some pictures.  They are random, but enjoy. 

I was finally able to make my coconut cream pie!  I made it when I was with Tim and Hilary in Florida.  It was sooooo good.  :D

Merry Christmas to you all.  I'm looking forward to 2011!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Florida....and a time of Thanksgiving

It's always when you're away from your family and friends that you truly appreciate all that they bring to your life.  God has changed my life in many ways this year.  He's asked me to go out of all I know and pushed me into a new and different place.  It's been everything I knew it would be, and then about 10x more.  I'm so thankful for all that he has set in front of me.  All the friends, my church family, and the family I work for.  They were brought to me, and the transition was hard, and challenging, but also a time of joy and excitement.  I'm so excited to be here.  I get the opportunity to see and experience all these different things. 

I spent Thanksgiving in Florida with my work family.  Henry's parents own a condo in West Palm Beach Florida.  It was absolutely beautiful here, and an amazing weekend.  The ocean was incredible, and I've never been in an ocean where it was worthwhile to put on goggles.  Gigi and I swam along the beach for hours picking up shells and looking at schools of fish.  I've never had so much fun in an ocean before.  The water was so incredibly clear you could see forever.  I felt like I was in some sort of movie.  It was an amazing time.  I woke up every morning and took pictures of the beautiful sunrise.  I was amazed by the beauty every single morning.  I would sit, and pray, and just thank God for that sunrise. 
I'm thankful that I was able to come even though I was sad to miss my families traditions.  I've never had a thanksgiving like this before.  We didn't do any cooking, and we were on the beach most of the day. 
We went to dinner at the Palm Beach Yacht Club which was very nice, and very fancy.  It wasn't the same, but it was nice.  I didn't make my famous coconut cream pie which is my thanksgiving tradition, but I might try to make it this week if I can find the time.  I've been craving a bite of my decadent pie.  

Well, I had a wonderful trip to Florida.  I've taken a few pictures, but I wish I would've taken more.  I just was captivated by the ocean and spent most of my time swimming. 
I'm somewhere over Florida on my way to Atlanta then onto Baltimore.  I gave up my seat on an earlier flight for two free round trip tickets.  Although it was a pain to sit in the airport for 4 hours, I'm happy for the ability to go home once or twice this year for free.  Airtran flies direct from BWI to SEA.  So, it'll be free to fly home for Meg's wedding!  Yay!  Anyway, I'm excited to be on my way home, and I can't wait to get back to my normal routine.  Making me even more happy then being home is the fact that I'll be flying back to Florida in a mere four days.  This time I'm not flying to Palm Beach though, this time I'm flying to Panama City Beach to see my dear cousin Hilary and her husband Tim.  O, I can't wait to see them.  It's been months.  Florida two weekends in a row.  It's a tough life here in DC.
Sorry for so few posts this month.  I'll try to make a video blog soon.  No time, no time. 
Love you all!



Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Molly came,
Molly went.
Joy and fun
tears and mess
eating cupcakes
eating cake
eating out, and
PF Changs(burr)

Drive downtown
Stress and joy
DC  night
crazy fun
Down Independence
Turning on 7th
Up Constitution
to 17th

Skipping Movies
babysitting forgot
going at midnight
late night, too fun
Girls are crazy
my new life
Molly is patient
far to nice

Molly came
Molly went
tears, goodbyes
how time flies
So much happened
So little time
My dear sister
what a delight

Saturday, November 6, 2010

November? Already?

October 9th.
That is pitiful.  I can't believe it's been nearly a month since my last blog post.  Crazy.
DC has been lots of things, but mostly it's been fun.  The weather is lovely, and it's finally starting to get cold and winter seems to be on its way.  I'm starting to really get to know people, and I'm meeting new people all the time.  I knew I was a social person, but it's interesting to see how my personality is manifesting in these new surroundings.  It's hard to give an overview and also give details.  So, for now, I'll just give you a few general things that have happened or are happening that you can grasp. 
I started running.  Well, I'm attempting to be a runner, but it's challenging.  I've been just running a little and walking a lot.  About 2 hours each day I spend walking the trail.  I find that these hours are some of my favorite of the day.  I'm often caught talking on the phone, but I also spend a lot of that time thankful for the beautiful landscape and praying.  I'm flying to Florida to see Hilary in just a few weeks and while I'm there we're planning on walking a half-marathon.  I'm excited, nervous, and realizing that 13.1 miles is a long way.  Mostly, I'm excited to see my dear cousin.  :)
I'll be in Florida the last weekend of November for Thanksgiving, and I'm going back the very next weekend to see Hilary, so I'm definitely looking forward to warm weather and the beach.  (sigh) I'm really looking forward to the beach.  
The girls are great.  They continue to challenge me, but I love them so.  I just enjoy being with them.  The longer I'm here the more I love them.  We're past the initial "new" phase which is so nice.  They're beginning to understand me and my way of doing things, and I'm beginning to anticipate their moves and understand them a little better.  I just love being here. 
My room is starting to feel like my room.  Sarah painted me some amazing flowers that now hang over my bed.  I'll post some pictures of my bedroom soon(but if you come visit me you can see my room in person...haha).   It's nice to have a place that feels like it's mine though.  My room has really become my retreat.  
Molly is flying to visit me on Wednesday night.  I'm soooo excited, and can hardly wait for her to get here.  My kiddos are excited too.  Alicia talks about Molly visiting almost every day.  She's so cute, and I know Molly and the girls are going to love each other. 
Overall I'm still just amazed at my surroundings, and amazed at where God has brought me.  He has taken care of me on a level that even I could not have been expecting.  I'm living with an amazing family, and enjoy these girls so much.  :)  I'm so thankful.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Sorry I didn't find the time to type a real blog today.  I had hopes, but it just never happened.  I had a lovely week, and there were some real successes on the work front.  We had not fight getting Alicia into her clothes both Thursday and Friday(we had screaming fits both Tues. and Wed).  I know it could be worse, but I'm still not used to her getting so upset about clothes.  She got a few new things shopping today, so hopefully she'll look forward to wearing those clothes.  The week just went well.  I was very active because of my new project Slipping into September.  You can read all about my weight loss adventures with my best friend Kendra. 
I hope you all had a great week, and maybe I'll find some time to type tomorrow. 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hmmm, Pumpkin Spice Lattes

The beauty of moving to a location where not a single soul knows you is that you can be who you want to be without anyone having any preconceived notions or expectations of how I should act, feel, or be.  Not to say that I've changed much, but it's like a fresh, clean slate.  It's fun making new friendships.  Letting people in on my life, learning about them.  My small group that meets on Wednesday is fantastic.  Less than two weeks I've known these people, but within the body of Christ they're my brothers and sisters and their love for Christ is evident in numerous ways.  It has allowed me an ability to feel at home, finally.  In some ways it feels like months, and in other it feels like I got on the plane yesterday.  Already this has been such a great opportunity to grow, and I'm just getting started.  What does the future hold for me?  Well, I can safely say that it holds hours of driving two little girls all around DC and Maryland, early mornings, busy afternoons, and lots of challenges.  I'm looking forward to it all. 

I've taken to sitting at the Starbucks across the street from my house.  I'm trying to get to know the baristas.  There are lots of high school students here because so many families live in the neighborhood I live in.  I've rediscovered that I LOVE pumpkin spice lattes.  They're not low on calories, but they're definitely worth running off. :)  So delicious. 
I spend a lot of time reading.  I'm enjoying it.  If you have any suggestions for me to read....please, send them my way.   
I wish you all could be sitting here with me.  So many funny little things happen that are hard to explain, but funny none the less.  People watching rocks my world.  People here are vastly different, but similar all at the same time.  This girl just walked in with 4 in heels, and could hardly walk, but right behind her was her mom......
after you see her mom you realize why this girl is wearing the most ridiculous heels and outfit. 
Like mother, like daughter. 
The mother looks like she could be on real housewives of DC(and maybe she is...I live in the right part of town).
A High school teacher just sat at the table next to me, and he's grading his papers....boy I don't envy him. 
An old man and woman are cute sitting in the comfy chairs having a happy conversation, and the weird man in the red hat is sitting in the corner...he's probably a spy or undercover, that's what I'm guessing.  the spy museum said there is a ridiculous amount of people that are spies/undercover in DC.  So, I'm always on the lookout(wink, wink).  So, as you can see, these people are quite a bit different. 
I love DC  :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


So, I signed myself up for a 5K.  It's to support the local crisis pregancy center and I'm really excited.  My friend Sandra is going to do it with me.  I can't wait. 
If you want to support me just let me know.  I can send you the link to my website that allows you to make donations to me without much hassle. 
Blog's have been fewer lately mainly because things have settled into a bit of a routine.  I love being here, and I love that my relationship with each girl seems to be growing stronger and stronger. 
My church is fantastic, and I love that God has sent me to this church.  What a great blessing it is on me.
I'll be writing more later.