My photo
Chevy Chase, Maryland, United States
I left my family, my friends, my comfort zone and moved across the country. I'm learning to love and rely on God in a whole new way.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A LONG time!

Wow, time flies right by! These last three weeks have been really busy, but fun and exciting. I have nothing smart, witty, or exciting to say today....but I will think of something soon.

I had a rather sad thought today. This weekend will most likely be Molly's last basketball game ever. I love basketball, and I love watching Molly that makes me sort of sad. It is weird to think that she is my last sister in high school, so even though I'll get to watch Kurt and Brian play it just isn't the same as watching my sisters. I'm excited for Molly. She will have an awesome time at WSU next year, and I imagine that she will kick butt in intramurals.

This was in Venezuela....riding to one of our clinics....
Well, that is all I have for now, but I will try to update soon.