My photo
Chevy Chase, Maryland, United States
I left my family, my friends, my comfort zone and moved across the country. I'm learning to love and rely on God in a whole new way.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I had one of those days. You know, the ones that aren't exactly bad, but aren't exactly good. The ones that keep you up at night pondering whether or not you should even try to remember the details, or whether you should file them away with all the other mediocre days. Today was one of those days. I want to file my thoughts away for a rainy day but I know that most of what needs to be dealt with will have to wait until morning.
So, that brings me to my next thought. Morning. The bible talks a lot about the morning. My concordance has over 200 references to the word morning. God ceases to amaze me with His endless artistic ability in creating beautiful mornings. Since working this year as a nanny I have learned to enjoy and appreciate my early morning hours where the world is silent but my mind is eagerly stumbling over it's thoughts. Yet tonight, as I was dwelling on my mediocre day, and wondering what I was going to say to my roommate in the morning, a verse jumped into my mind. Lamentations 3:22-23, a verse many of us know by heart and almost everyone knows by song, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." I couldn't help but humbled by the grace of God. His love for me never ceases. His mercies are new every morning. Daily I can be renewed in spirit by the power of the almighty God, and whether or not I had a mediocre day should definitely not send me into any kind of worry mode. I have a Father who provides everything I need and I am sure that He will provide just the words that my roommate needs to hear in the morning. I am so thankful that I can turn to my Father in Heaven and know that He hears me, He loves me, and He is going to help me do what needs to be done for His plan to work. So at the end of this mediocre day I leave you not with negative thoughts but a joyful spirit. Tomorrow morning as I'm getting out of bed I can turn to my Lord and thank Him for the mercies He has already sent my way.


  1. I'm so glad you have a blog, dear cousin. What an encouragement it is to hear about our God. You are right. God provides what we need, what others need through us.
    His steadfast love never ceases. I'm am devastatingly looking forward to seeing you. As the Lord Almighty wills,

  2. Thanks Hil,
    I can't wait to see you, and I am looking forward to all that we will be able to do together this summer!

  3. Anonymous24/6/08 11:53

    Carrie i really liked those pictures of u not being ready for Europe. where did they go.
