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Chevy Chase, Maryland, United States
I left my family, my friends, my comfort zone and moved across the country. I'm learning to love and rely on God in a whole new way.

Friday, June 6, 2008


You know the Casting Crowns Song "Praise you in this Storm"? Well, I was thinking of that song today and what it really looks like to Praise God in the midst of everything and anything that is happening to you. I don't claim to be in the middle of any huge storms in my life, but some days I do feel challenged as to whether or not I will choose to glorify God even when things aren't going as planned.
To explain myself I will relate to you today's interesting happenings. First off, it was the second morning this week that I woke up throwing up. I was sure that I was already done with this little flu bug that I caught from Tre, but it seemingly reappeared inside my stomache. Nothing to me is more misserable then being sick to ones stomache.
The worst part of the story is that for the second time this week I had to call into work and tell my dad I couldn't come. If it were any other boss he would understand but because I work part-time for my dad it's difficult. I know he know's I'm not lying but the insinuation that I just need to suck it is more then I can take. But even beyond that is the fact that I want to work. I'm leaving the country in 2 weeks and any extra money is absolutely wanted. I would go into work if it were at all possible. Yet I know that going in would not be good for me, or anyone else.
So, I have to trust that A.) God will provide the money I need for this trip. and B.) that He is still in control.
Even though I don't claim to be in any real storm right now. I do think that choosing to praise our God is a daily task. A task which becomes challenging when we are sick, but one that definitely brings glory to God.


  1. How very true, dearest. I'm glad that you didn't go to work. Be bold and be strong, banish fear and doubt.
    God will provide (even if we just end up hanging in some corner somewhere I think you and I could have a blast together!)
    Love you tons,
    Christ is there.

  2. Dear Carrie,
    When are you going to post again?
