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Chevy Chase, Maryland, United States
I left my family, my friends, my comfort zone and moved across the country. I'm learning to love and rely on God in a whole new way.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

On to Poland

Ok, my time here in Germany has been a blast. We have walked A LOT and have seen so many beautful things that I can't even begin to start to list them all. For example, today we were driving to Trier, and along the highway was this beautiful castle ruins that were up on the hill. It looked straight from a movie. This huge castle completely in ruin, up on a hill, over looking the valley and town. It was breathtaking. Seriously though, the list goes on and on.
This week with the Von Bibra's and Hilary have been great. There family is really fun, and the children are very cute and get along(which makes a huge difference) I'd forgotten how much fun Hil and I have together. I have tried new things, and had the most amazing week here. Tomorrow morning we leave at 5:44 am on the train from Bonn to Berlin. It is a 5 hour train ride, but we have a table so we can write, or play games. Please pray for safe travel for us, and for Jane and Ray who we will be meeting at the Berlin airport. Also, we have to get from the train station to the airport on our own and we are a little nervous. I am praying that God will give us wisdom, and someone that will know the way. We have decided we are asking the first person that works at the train station that we see. We will be picked up at the airport by pastor Daniel, then we will drive for a few hours into Poland( I think around 5, but I'm not sure)
Monday we start our camps, and I'm am really looking forward to all that God is going to do. As fun as this last week has been, I am most looking forward to the camps. I can't wait to see the children and get to know them. I have been praying for them for so long that actually meeting them will be a joy. I am trusting that God will bring everything together, and I am excited for everything to really get started. Please continue to pray! I know you all are, and I am so thankful for your prayers and support. Everything has gone smoothly so far, and I think that is a testament of all your prayers. I love you all.

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